Bethany W. Gates

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This is Madness!

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Photo by Tengyart on Unsplash

Sit tight. The lights have dimmed and the storytelling is about to begin…

Laugh or cry. Those are really the only two options in life. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose…at least, that’s how it worked when I was a kid. I was turning Corporate America tricks long before the age of “everyone gets a trophy.”

I am merely a humble observer of human nature. Some of my stories are triumphant. Others heartfelt, but mostly, they are just random thoughts and events.

While rather painful in the moment, they seem to take a hilarious turn when recalled at a later date. From my limited understanding, that is the coveted formula.

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My world is black, white and gray for a multitude of reasons. However, the only reason that you need to be concerned with now, is that madness occurs daily in my life.

Literally…every. Damn. Day.

Sometimes I fight. Sometimes I flee. But, mostly, I just blink incessantly and wonder how, ‘this is my life.’

The only difference now is I’ve started writing it down. Compliments of a socially distant, Covid19 world. Some of the stories are from the past. Others are from the present. Enjoy the ride.

Exit stage right.

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